Audio Authority 110 volt to 12 volt power supply. I have 6 of these units and I’m selling 3 . Price is for 1 unit only . This is what big stores like Circuit City and Best Buy used for their car audio demo displays . They were put behind their displays to power all their car audio head units and amplifiers. I called Audio Authority and they told me these were die hards that were built like tanks and were designed to be turned on and run continuously 24/7 and never be turned off so they were put behind the displays and forgotten about so they are extremely tough and reliable. I’m using one for my test bench to test all kinds of car audio amplifiers and other equipment that I buy . I also have one in my garage/shop running my stereo system in there . Great for building a car audio stereo system for your shop or garage . The one in my garage is running my Rockford Fosgate amp and subwoofer box . Or you can build your own test bench . 50 amps of continuous power with 300 to 500 amp peaks when connected to a car battery . They are designed to be wired directly to any old car battery then your system is wired to the car battery just like you normally would for a car audio system. Works great ! Price is for one but two can be wired together for 100 amps of continuous power if you wanna run a lot higher wattage system .