John de Lancie 10 DVD set. Back in Circulation with pending partnership with the founders and producers of this Video series, now available on USB Thumb Drive, in MPEG4 video files for those musicians who: 1. Have a TV that plays USB flash drive 2. Have a Blueray Player that plays USB flash drive [has a socket for that] 3. Own a Digital Media Player unit, that plays flash drives. 4. Owns a Video Projector with USB drive 5. Wants to view this on your computer. Price is $135.00 per copy plus shipping, no reductions or discounts, due to the time it takes to Load Each Drive custom for YOU. Hollywood has hardly made USB drives of their movies, our small studio is not going to go into mass production, if Hollywood can't. -We are custom loading these onto NAME BRAND RELIABLE USB drives, such as Sandisk, memorex, HP, a common but high quality drive. This process will take us around 4 hours to perform. -The Drive will contain mpeg4 files, splitting each of the 10 Video Programs [which would be on the 10 DVDs] into 3-4 files per Original program. For example. Lecture DVD is split in four pieces. A Training program will be four pieces, Student Training, 1, 2, and 3 and then QA session. This has been done for a number of reasons. -1. Faster to Play without the device needing to try to RAM the entire video file, choking some devices. -2. If we DO end up doing downloads, smaller sized files are faster to download + Because the process of making these video files took our company a month full time to do, we're not doing it twice! -The MPEG 4 files were made from the original Final Cut Pro Video editing master program, of each of the 10 Programs, output directly to MPEG4 from the source, set at maximum quality setting. Not that because the video size in 1998, was 350 x 240 - these videos are NOT improved over the DVD versions, simply because DVD is higher resolution than our Video Tape in the 1990's used to record it. But the files allow viewing on modern devices. We are the production company who Filmed and Edited this video. We also made the 1990 Reed Makers DVD by David Weber and Fred Capps, which you may have heard of, This demo below shows the overall content. This is a revised youtube, that I said I'd redo when I could, and I did. This video series was filmed using Broadcast Quality [of the 1990s] TV studio equipment, and is quite viewable even though it was filmed in 350 x 240 picture size. It is not HD which is the common TV today, it's not widescreen, and it's certainly not 4K. It was filmed in 1998, when broadcast TV was less in quality than a DVD. TV in the 1990's was 350 x 240, Digital Video of the early 2000's was 640/720 x 480 [double the resolution], HD most common today is 1920 x 1080 more than double the resolution of Digital, and 4K the latest TV is double that. However the DVDs look a lot pretty good on a TV . My company did more than 3000 videos using the same equipment for 3M, CRAY Supercomputers, and many others. I find the best viewing experience is from a DVD player or Blueray player that upsizes DVDs to HD size. I have a Panasonic player that does this, and the JDL video looks pretty good. I just wanted folks to know this was NOT shot in HD because that was not possible in 1998. ********************************************************************* JD - YouTube Video will open in a new window [isdntekvideo] A note from Videographer Editor Jon Hyers: I am aware that John de Lancie is one famous Oboe Player, this production of mine is a unique ONE-OF-A-Kind item. It's not likely to be redone in Digital Form [aka USB Drive Digital Files], and at this time is DVD only. In his lecture on PITCH, John de Lancie referred to the Oboe Players as being "THE KEEPER OF THE RINGS", with a Lord of the Rings reference to the Hobbits caring for The RING. I am the Keeper of the Video. That means when I go, it will not be available. I am entering my 5th decade in video!!! This DVD set is the only record of this moment of history. Get it while you still can, it's that rare..... If you are a MUSIC STORE or website and want to sell this, you may contact me and I will create an eBay listing at wholesale for you, for a quantity of 5 and another at 10 pieces if you desire. Pricing will support your doubling the price to our MSRP of $150.00 --------SO...about the John de Lancie 10 DVD series-------------- More than 20 hours of materi al from John de Lancie's final train ing courses, he ld at Ball State Uni ver s ity in 1998. This program includes lec tures on Pitch, The Re ed, Oboe and O rchestra playing, and Mr . de La ncie 's st ories from WW1 and meeting and studying under STRAUSS. The Majority of the DVD ser ies covers John de Lancie training students in a group setting, with indiv idual lessons and critique of various elements of playing an oboe. If you are a fan of John de Lancie, looking for a historical piece, or wa nt a highly dev eloped training course t his DVD set is for you. My personal experience working there , getting a chance to ea t a few dinners with John de Lancie was PRICELESS. One of my few personal experiences film ing/working with a person from History. A real treat. We even discussed his famous son John De Lancie from the St ar Trek fame. Note that this was filmed in an alog video, not Digital Video, not HD, and certainly not 4K. Images are soft e r than the TV you see today, but are enj oyable if you bear this in mind. It was produced in b roadcast equipment of the day, and is the e most recent video record of Mr. Delanci e, and his such training course in his lifetime, making this a real collection . If I had a time-machine, my first trip would be to refilm this session in 4K, but that is not possible. Our fi lming days were around 12 hours long, t wo se ssions on 5 days, and one session/le cture on a 6th day. Jon Hyers: Director of Photography, and Producer at Hyers Video Productions in Studio, equipped by much High End Production equipment. Quality Production Elements, are ensured. Please feel free to contact me if you desire to make a video program of your own. My resume is extensive. JON HYERS