With Manual and wall wart power supply... The MFJ-219/219N SWR Analyzer is an easy to operate, versatile test instrument for analyzing nearly any 50Ω RF system on frequencies between 420 and 450 MHz. In addition the MFJ-219/219N can be used as a UHF signal source. The MFJ-219/219N combines three basic circuits; a UHF oscillator, a 50Ω RF bridge, and a calibrated bridge unbalance indicator. This combination of circuits allows measurement of the SWR (referenced to 50Ω) of any load connected to the ANTENNA connector. The MFJ-219/219N covers the entire 70 cm amateur band. The dial calibration is approximate and for reference only. The actual frequency may vary from what is marked on the front panel. The MFJ-219 has a SO-239 socket for the antenna connector. A frequency counter, such as the MFJ-346, can be connected to the "FREQUENCY OUT" jack (RCA phono) for a more accurate reading of the frequency. As an alternative to a frequency counter, you can tune in the output with a broad bandwidth UHF receiver. See the section on locating the MFJ-219/219N frequency with a receiver. The MFJ-219/219N can be used to adjust or measure the following: • Antennas: SWR, resonant frequency, bandwidth • Amplifiers: Input and output networks • Coaxial transmission lines: SWR, velocity factor, losses, resonance • Networks: SWR, resonant frequency, bandwidth • Stubs: Resonant frequency