
Motorola 12 Volt 18 Amp Switching Power Supply 97% Efficient

$ 18.48

  • Band: UHF
  • Brand: Motorola/IBM?
  • Compatible Brand: Dell
  • Type: Power Supply


This is a lightly used Dell 12.5 volt 18 amp switching power supply. They have over-current protection. If you take to much current they will shut off. You will have to unplug and the re-plug and they will be reset. I have used them on all Motorola mobile units and repeaters up to 60 watts without any issues. These are remarkably 97% efficient, and extremely small and light weight; does not have any heat sinks because of its efficiency . I use one on my bench with 5 different power cords coming from it to service the various transceivers. These produce NO hash as other may. Extremely well shielded with shielded 3-Ft power cord with two chokes in-line. There are two adjustable pots inside. I presume that one will allow for the cranking-up of the voltage. Because of the shielding, I was not able to take the time to get to either of the pots. I have sold about 150 of these with great performance reports. Great for portable repeaters due to the small size and weight. Be aware: 15.101 Equipment authorization of unintentional radiators. ( a ) Except as otherwise exempted in §§ 15.23 , 15.103 , and 15.113 , unintentional radiators shall be authorized prior to the initiation of marketing, pursuant to the procedures for certification or Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) given in subpart J of part 2 of this chapter . These are FCC Certified. All non-labeled power supplies will have RF radiation and hash. Throw your other supplies away and get this for size, save on power bills. Because these, If you fail to adjust them they will only put out 12.5 to 12.90 volts. There is an internal Pot which will increase the voltage. They are well shielded and choked. I have used them on GE MSL units which require 13.5 volts bit I had to reduce the GE power level to about half of its rating, all other brands and newer GE units work to their full power with this 12.5 voltage. I once met 3 hams, lets call them: Tom, Dick and Harry. Dick tried to talk Tom and Harry out of buying one because of his perceived hash issue. Tom and Harry purchased one and reported great performance as expected. Dick purchased a larger switching supply from a e-bay seller. Dick's power supply was hashy witch swamped the receiver on weak signals. Moral: Don't be a Dick. Get one of these 18 amp supplies. It will work well for you. Just crimp the ends of the black (Negative) and white (Positive) to your connector(s) and you are all set. You will need your own AC computer-type power cord. Thanks. Flat-rate shipping: $ 17.00