The Multi-Products Company of Oak Park, Michigan was well-known in the 1950s for its line of mobile amateur products. This AF-68 AM/CW transmitter was made in 1960 and was preceded by the A54 and AF-67. It was frequently paired with the PMR-8 mobile receiver . This M-1070 power supply could be used either on 120VAC and 6 or 12 V DC (jumper selected). It provided filament voltages, 500V, 250V, and 105V (regulated). The AF-68, called a "trans-citer" by Multi-Elmac, was a 9 tube VFO-controlled six band (80-6 meters) AM/CW transmitter or exciter. It was sometimes called the "poor man's Ranger," in reference to the famous and more costly E.F. Johnson Viking Ranger, which it functionally resembled. Although the AF-68 lacked a built-in power supply, the versatile M-1070 AC/DC supply (below) was available as an option, which made the AF-68 better suited than the Ranger for mobile operation. The fixed 115VAC supply (model PS-2V) was another available option. Devotees of the AF-68 often preferred it to the Ranger and claimed that the AM fidelity was superior. Circuit Description: The nine-tube lineup consisted of a 6AK6 VFO/xtal oscillator, driving a 6AG5 buffer-multiplier, a 6AQ5 driver, and a 6146 final amplifier. Audio was provided by a 6AU6 speech amplifier, a 12AU7 audio driver, and a pair of 6L6GB modulators. A 500 ohm tap on the modulation transformer was brought to the power connector for driving the grids of a high-power modulator. The wide-range pi-network could tune 50-300 ohms.