Title: Original Digital Artwork Adorable Snow Winter Wonderland Penguin With Scarf Xmas Description: Digital File Only This is a beautiful digital artwork created by Poorfolx Expressions. It is a beautiful original piece of art and it is sure to add a touch of elegance to any home or office. This is a digital file, so no physical item will be shipped. The original file (without watermarks) will be sent to all buyers via eBay Messenger within 24 hours after receiving payments successfully. Format: Jpeg image Size: [3584x5376] (19.3 MP) (33 MB) Shipping: No shipping is required for this item. The original file will be sent to you electronically upon receipt of payment. Payment: Accepts PayPal via eBay Returns: As this is a digital file, no returns will be accepted so please purchase wisely. All Sales Are Final. No Returns. Note: All images are my personal creations and expressions. They are for personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes. You may not resell, copy, or redistribute the images. About the Artist: I am an old school blue color dude who in my rainy-day free time enjoys incorporating the best of creativity and expression with the latest technology to create unique and visually stunning artworks. I combine old school sketches with modern Adobe products and AI enhancement tools to create artworks that are both beautiful and meaningful. I hope you enjoy my artwork! Keywords: Penguin with scarf, Xmas, Christmas, Winter wonderland, Snow, animals, cartoon character, Modern, portrait art, street art, modern art, creative concept art design Decorative Arts wallart wallpapers watercolor photowall walldecor wallhanging watercolorpainting pastel wallpaper pastels watercolors watercolorart wall digital art instant download wallpaper background wall art screen