A tale of seduction, mystery and murder in the Hitchcock tradition from director Brian DePalma. Jake Scully (Craig Wasson), an unemployed actor, is asked to house-sit a luxurious hillside apartment. The home offers Jake a telescopic peek into the bedroom of Gloria Revelle (Deborah Shelton), who performs nightly. When Jake discovers another man is also spying on Gloria, he begins an obsessive surveillance of her. Soon a grisly murder leads him into the world of adult film where he meets, Holly Body (Melanie Griffith), who is a key to the crime. Celebrate the 40th anniversary of this classic from filmmaker Brian De Palma! Debuting on 4K Ultra HD disc, with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos! Includes archival featurettes and a newly added music video Limited edition SteelBook Please Rewind Our eBay Store About Us Contact Us Add to Favorite Sellers Steelbook Body Double (4K UHD + Blu-ray + Digital) Thank you for shopping with Please Rewind.