Antique Floral Landscape Oil Painting by I. Knudsen. Beautiful Rich Colors and Masterful Technique. Framed in a wide gray wood moulding with a gessoed white wood fillet. Canvas is almost like burlap. Size : Painting: 34 inches by 27 inches. Frame is: 40 1/2 inches by 34 inches. Condition : Very Good - paint and color are very good over all but there is a tear in the upper middle - still shows well on the wall if you don't want to repair it(see photos). Weight : 15 pounds. Photographs are considered part of the listing description. Please contact us with any questions or for more photos. ABOUT US: We have been collecting and selling art, antiques, and collectibles for over 45 years. We have been on Ebay for over 25 years with a 100% positive listing rating. SHIPPING INFO: We Ship within 1 day of payment and pack with care. FEEDBACK: Please leave us feedback once transaction is complete and we will do the same. This helps our rating and is important to show we are good sellers. THANKS SO MUCH!